Searching for a Godstone inventory clerk is something that many landlords will do when they realise that an inventory for their rental property is vital. It’s also something that many letting agents will do; after all, it’s always good to find a reliable, local, friendly, and accurate Godstone inventory clerk to work in partnership with you. It reflects well on your letting agency, and it makes your landlords and tenants very happy too. It’s a win-win situation, and contacting Looksy Inventories is a great idea. We can help you with plenty of advice and the most detailed yet easy-to-read inventory reports you’re likely to come across. 

The team at Looksy Inventories has lived in the Godstone area for many years, and we know it well. That means we can look into each property quickly and efficiently. As a Godstone inventory clerk, you can rest assured that Looksy Inventories is dedicated and loves the place they live. Whether you want us to carry out a property inventory in Godstone or the surrounding areas on a massive mansion or a compact studio flat, we will always give you the same high-quality results, and the property inventory you receive will not only look great but will contain all the information you need to have complete peace of mind as a landlord or a letting agent in Godstone

Godstone inventory clerk
Photo by Ella de Kross on Unsplash

Choose A Godstone Inventory Clerk – Many Have 

Many letting agents and landlords have already chosen Looksy Inventories as their Godstone inventory clerk, and they are glad they have. They have received excellent and detailed inventory reports compiled by a fully trained property expert in a timely manner for a fantastic price. What’s not to love about that? 

What’s not to love about a property inventory company that loves what they do and – importantly – is good at what they do? Looksy Inventories is the Godstone inventory clerk that can look closely at the property they have been asked to inventory and the garden, the driveway, the outbuildings, and anything else that links to the property. We won’t miss anything, and that’s crucial when it comes to choosing a property inventory company. 

Our inventories always stand up to scrutiny, and our training and experience mean that we know exactly what needs to be included and what doesn’t. We also know that photos alone are no good – there must be a description too. Yet we’re not wordy clerks; we’ll describe the property’s condition just as it is, no more and no less, and in an entirely objective way. 

This is why we’ve been hired as the sole Godstone inventory clerk for some letting agents already, and we aim to work with many more. Perhaps our next partner is you? Just contact us to find out more, and you could soon be working on a reliable, accurate Godstone inventory clerk; Looksy Inventories. 

Looksy Inventories Can Help With Tenant Disputes 

The good news for landlords and letting agents is that most tenancies don’t end with any problems at all. Everything is fine, everyone is happy, and the property is left in good condition. This is not always what happens, though, and having a detailed, accurate inventory carried out by an enthusiastic property Godstone inventory clerk could be the difference between winning and losing your dispute. 

A good inventory report will show what the property was like before your tenant moved in, and having interim audits carried out will show you what it was like throughout the tenancy. A check-out will show you what it was like just after the tenant moved out. By comparing all these reports, you can easily ascertain precisely what – if anything – your tenants are responsible for. Having a complete inventory before anyone else moves in gives you peace of mind that everything is how it should be at the start of the next tenancy. A property inventory clerk near Godstone will carry out all of these reports and can take the burden away from letting agents and landlords alike. Leave it to Looksy Inventories. 

With dedication, attention, and plenty of care, Looksy Inventories is the ideal Godstone inventory clerk for your needs. Contact us today to find out more.