Having a detailed inventory of private rental homes by a dedicated inventory clerk Aylesford is critical. Do-it-yourself landlords should not neglect this as one of the most important aspects of running a successful rental property.

Every item in the home or business must be included, together with its current condition and the overall state of the property. Before a tenant arrives in and immediately before a tenant departs, the inventory report is meant to assist and monitor the state of a property and any furnishings, fixtures and fittings, and white goods, so that damages, if any, may be made apparent or paid for.

How Is An Inventory Prepared

The inventory should be prepared by the landlord, a rental agency, or an independent inventory clerk Aylesford and signed by the tenant on move-in day. It is a good idea for both parties to sign and initial each page of an inventory document to show their agreement.

Photos or videos of the contents and condition of the property are optional but a good safety net. Depending on the value of the property’s contents, your desire to be as thorough as possible may vary. Of course the most important objects like an oven or washing machine should be photographed so that there is no doubt about the state of the item.

What Is An Inventory Clerk?

There are many landlords and renting agencies who prefer to hire the services of an inventory clerk Aylesford because they are certain that the work will be done correctly and efficiently. A property’s condition and the condition of any fixtures and fittings will be checked and recorded by the clerk. When the lease begins, some will come to the property to meet the tenant, give over keys, take readings of the utilities, and agree on an inventory. It’s also possible for them to visit the property once their lease has expired with the initial inventory and produce a comparison for the final invoice amount. Keys returned are checked, and utilities are read. Both the landlord and the tenant may be certain that their security deposits will be handled fairly at the conclusion of the lease.

 An independent inventory clerk Aylesford will save a landlord time, headaches, and possibly money by conducting and documenting the inventory. When the tenancy is over, they’ll make sure everything has been correctly inventoried by acting as a watchdog.

The independent inventory clerk’s report will be crucial evidence if there is a dispute between the landlord and the tenant that requires the intervention of a tenancy deposit protection schemes dispute resolution agency.

Contact Looksy Inventories – Your Inventory Clerk Aylesford

When you need an inventory report done, contact Looksy Inventories. We are your ideal inventory clerk Aylesford, happy to help with whatever is needed. Get in touch today to discuss costs and to book in your inventory.