With a property inventory report by an inventory clerk Chatham, landlords can avoid tenant conflicts and ensure the property is in the same condition at the conclusion of their tenants’ leases as it was at the start.

Tenancy agreements and schedules of condition reports and inventory management have become essential documents since statutory deposit protection systems were implemented.

With regard to the tenancy process, an inventory is an essential record that all landlords should either fill themselves, or outsource to a professional inventory service provider such as Looksy Inventories, your ideal inventory clerk Chatham.

What Is A Property Inventory?

To put it simply, a property inventory report is a comprehensive inventory of the house’s contents and a description of each item’s current condition for short-term rentals like AirBnB as well as longer-term leases.

What Should An Inventory Include?

Any furnished objects, as well as details of the state of the property’s bathrooms, kitchen, doors, windows, walls, and fixtures and fittings, should be included in a property inventory. The inventory should include supporting documentation in the form of digital images and/or video as well as a complete list of the things in the property. This is a time-consuming and detail-orientated task, and it needs to be done right, which is why it’s best to hire an inventory clerk Chatham to do it for you.

How Does An Inventory Protect The Landlord And The Tenant?

A schedule of condition and inventory report supplies the landlord with the documentation required to verify the precise state and contents of the residence when the tenants moved in, in conjunction with the checkout report. Landlords may struggle to establish theft or damage happened without these papers and may not be able to successfully claim the deposit in an adjudicator’s hands if they don’t have them.

Key Mistakes When Compiling A Report

A widespread misunderstanding is that creating a property inventory is easy and simply requires a basic list of the contents and condition of the property to be recorded. However, this is not the case – this would not be enough. 

Reports are frequently:

  • Too simple
  • Inadequate descriptions and condition remarks lead to a lack of information.
  • Rather than being based on facts, it is based on opinion
  • Frequently fail to list all rooms/property components
  • There is a lack of photographic or video evidence to show cleaning, damage, and maintenance concerns
  • Failure to present the tenant with the report for comments/signature

Photographs or video evidence with thorough descriptions must be included in a professional inventory and timetable, which can typically surpass 40 pages in length. The goal here isn’t how many pages a report can create; it’s about the quality of the material, which will make all the difference if either the landlord or the renter disputes it.

The agreement should also be designed to stand up in court if the landlord is obliged to demand monies from the tenant’s deposit for repairs that exceed the deposit sum or for late rent. This is why so many landlords and letting agents outsource this work to an experienced and expert inventory clerk Chatham. 

Contact Looksy Inventories – Inventory Clerk Chatham

If you need an inventory and understand that it’s not as simple as it might first seem, don’t hesitate to contact Looksy Inventories. We can be your ideal inventory clerk Chatham, ready to help when you need us.