When a new tenancy begins, landlords look to the tenancy agreement as the most crucial document. However, one of the next most significant documents for any landlord would actually be a property inventory. This is why an inventory clerk East Grinstead is so crucial to the entire lettings process. 

A landlord may have difficulty showing the state of the property delivered to the tenant and proving any dilapidation suffered during the lease if this vital document is not in place.

inventory clerk east grinstead
Photo by Sindre Strøm

Choose The Right Inventory Clerk East Grinstead

For landlords, we propose that they weigh the cost of a professional inventory against the potential losses they may incur due to irresponsible or intentional tenant behaviour. The landlord’s rights to charge for damage are protected by this basic but extensive agreement, which is akin to an insurance policy. Having a professional inventory clerk East Grinstead to do the work means it is unbiased and fair – and it is well-executed thanks to many years of experience (at least when you engage Looksy Inventories to do the work it is).

As a result, the days of landlords and rental agencies being able to simply charge a fee for cleanup are long gone. We are now in the area of government-approved deposit providers that may be called upon to settle any disagreement over damages arising from the professional documentation and images submitted by the parties. As a result, a landlord’s ability to recover damages is seriously jeopardised if he lacks an accurate, comprehensive inventory.

Why Is A Property Inventory So Important?

Tenants are solely responsible for damage, not normal wear and tear. So occupancy numbers, such as a big family, duration of tenancy, age and condition of objects, and quality of items are all important criteria in evaluating fair wear and tear.

A competent professional inventory clerk East Grinstead can greatly aid in evaluating replacement prices since it will explain the original quality and condition of the goods being claimed. If a glass is chipped or broken, it must be verified whether it came from a set of crystal glasses or a non-matching glass from a budget shop.

The amount of the deposit refunded to the renter will be calculated based on the inventory and check out reports.

Contact Looksy Inventories Today

For more information about why a property inventory is crucial, and to find out our costs and experience and more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. At Looksy Inventories, we are the ideal inventory clerk East Grinstead to help you ensure your property is safe and taken care of.