As a reliable and experienced inventory company Kent, our inventory reports are a complete, unbiased list of the property’s condition and contents. This includes all fixtures, fittings, furniture, and decorations.

From the front door to each room, we move through the premises in a simple and systematic manner.

We also include any space outside that is fully the tenant’s responsibility and is part of the rental agreement. These areas usually include a garage or other outbuildings.

To help with the inventory company Kent description, we take high-resolution digital photos of each room to give a quick overview. We also take smaller photos of valuable or interesting items and video record any damage that needs to be fixed that we see during the inspections.

Looksy Inventories offers a full service inventory so that the inventory of the property is as complete as possible. Our professional and experienced inventory clerks know a lot about all parts of the inventory process. They will not only give you a clear and accurate report, but they can also tell you about the laws and rules in this huge market.

Our highly trained inventory clerks and in-house administration team use the latest technology to make sure that the reports we make are sent out within 24 hours of the property inspection.

From the moment you make an appointment, you can be sure that not only will you get the best customer service, but we will also pay close attention to every detail as your ideal inventory company Kent.

We always make the most clear and helpful property management reports in Kent, which helps us keep disputes to a minimum. Our clients tell us that we make it easier, faster, and better for them to take care of their properties.

Inventory clerk services are easy to book, cover a larger area, and are available at the last minute. We can use other inventory clerk check-in reports to put together check-out reports. Just send it to us by email, and we’ll do the job using their inventory to make sure everything is the same. Contact us to find out more about our inventory company Kent.