An inventory sales clerk is someone you are certainly going to need to hire for your rental property. Without an inventory clerk, a professional, expert one with a lot of experience in not only properties but also in your local area, you could run the risk of falling foul of the tenancy deposit scheme and losing out even if you technically have a case. 

An inventory sales clerk will determine the state of your property, and whether it’s a large countryside estate in Kent or a small studio apartment in London, Looksy Inventories are the ones to call. With a wide-ranging reach and all the experience and professionalism you know you want in an inventory sales clerk for properties, you can rest assured that we will do the best job possible for you. 

inventory sales clerk

An Inventory Sales Clerk Will Help You With Your Rental Property 

Any inventory sales clerk you hire must be good at their job. When you employ Looksy Inventories to carry out property inventories on your behalf, we promise you’re getting clerks that have experience, knowledge, and training that will help you in the best possible way. 

At Looksy Inventories, we work throughout Kent and south east London, providing excellent, easy to read, fully comprehensive, and accurate inventory clerks for landlords and letting agents. We enjoy everything about property, and it’s something we are happy to work on. Whatever you need, from a complete inventory to a check-in or check-out, Looksy Inventories can provide the inventory sales clerk to give it to you. 

No Need To Worry About Disputes 

It’s unfortunate, but disputes at the end of a rental tenancy are something that can happen for all kinds of reasons. With a good property inventory to hand, one that a qualified, experienced inventory sales clerk has completed for you, those disputes will be easy to put to bed. You can show exactly what the property was like when the tenant moved in, and the state of the property when they moved out, proving the damage or issues that mean you can keep all or part of the tenant’s initial deposit

With an inventory from Looksy Inventories carried out by our fantastic inventory sales clerks, you can be sure that everything that should be included has been included, and any dispute or disagreement you might have to deal with can be solved quickly and painlessly thanks to the property inventory you have for your rental property. This is all part of being a good landlord, and when you outsource your inventories to Looksy, you’ve made a brilliant choice. 

inventory sales clerk

The Most Accurate Inventory Reports

To be a great inventory sales clerk, you need to be focused and dedicated; you need to be detail-orientated. Luckily, that’s precisely what the team at Looksy Inventories. We offer a service that’s second to none, ensuring that, as a landlord, you’re completely covered. 

So contact us today to find out more about how we can help you with your rental properties by carrying out inventories, check-ins, check-outs, and even interim reports. We are happy to answer any questions you have, and our wide range of experience will ensure we can help you.