Looksy Inventories is based in Sevenoaks, Kent. We cover the surrounding areas such as Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Orpington, and inventory services Oxted to name just a few places, and we have a good track record of doing this. The detailed property inventory reports we make are now an important part of keeping your property safe while you’re renting it out. Our reports have all the written and photo evidence you need to be able to get your money back for damages and cleaning problems.

inventory services oxted
Mustek 6LZ

Simple, clear, and easy to understand, our inventory services Oxted give peace of mind to both the landlord and the tenant. The landlord can rest easy knowing that we have made a thorough report of the property before the tenant moves in, and the tenant will know that the property has been fully checked out before they move in. If a deposit scheme tribunal needs solid proof, these inventory reports can give it what it needs. Property owners have never needed detailed inventory reports more than they do now, because if a case goes to a tribunal and the inspection reports aren’t detailed enough or are of poor quality, the case will usually go in favour of the tenant.

The Inventory Report – Inventory Services Oxted

We make a detailed report of the condition of the rental property, including pictures of the fixtures, fittings, and furniture, as well as the necessary meter readings. When the tenant moves in, we will also give them clear and helpful information about what they need to do to keep the property in good shape.

Check-Out Reports

At the end of a tenancy, a property checkout report is done to compare the condition of the property to what was listed or pictured at the beginning of the tenancy. This makes sure that any damage or cleaning problems can be found and the right charges can be taken out of the deposit.