Nestled at the foot of the picturesque North Downs, Otford is a bustling village on the River Darent with a rich history.

Otford has a one-of-a-kind claim to fame. The village and surrounding area are home to the world’s biggest scale model of the solar system. The model was constructed as part of the millennium celebrations, and visitors are allowed to stroll from ‘The Sun,’ represented by a dome in the recreation ground, to the other nine ‘planets,’ which are positioned on pillars.

Otford inventory clerks

The High Street in Otford has been designated as a conservation area. Many exquisite ancient houses and cottages dating back to the 15th century and beyond can be found here. They are still utilised as family residences today and thus are not open to the public, although their beauty and architecture can be admired.

Inventory clerks in Otford are experts in detailing the condition and content of a rental property. Not only will an Otford inventory clerk carry out an inventory before a property is rented out, but they will also carry out interim reports, check ins, and check outs.

The inventory is hugely important when it comes to determining whether the tenant’s deposit should be returned in full, or at all. Inventory clerks in Otford will be able to check whether the damage in the property (if any) is in line with fair wear and tear or is something more.

At Looksy Inventories, Otford inventory clerks, we are passionate about property. We have been tenants and we have been landlords, and we understand the complex nature of the relationship between the two. Having a professional, experienced inventory clerk in Otford on hand to carry out reporting is a way not only to protect your property but to protect your reputation and your tenants.

The understanding of the inventory process and its importance for landlords, agents, and tenants has been painstakingly gained, and we are proud of our excellent reputation for carefully carrying out inventories, check-ins, and check-outs.