What Are The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Property Inventory Reports?

What Are The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Property Inventory Reports?

As a landlord or even as a letting agent, you might think that hiring an expert inventory clerk to carry out your property inventory reports is a waste of money. After all, you could do it yourself and not have to pay anything – it wouldn’t take long, and it’s just a box-ticking exercise, right?


There is a lot more to property inventory reports than ticking some boxes, and, when done right, it’s a long process, sometimes taking many hours for a larger property. Can you really afford to spend all that time in one house or flat when you have other things to do? Let’s look at exactly why outsourcing your inventory reports is a good idea, and you’ll soon understand why engaging Looksy Inventories to help you is the best – and most cost-effective – thing to do.

property inventory reports
Photo by Larissa Farber from Pexels

Why Outsourcing Property Inventory Reports Is Your Best Option

When a third party carries out your property inventory reports, they will be impartial, thorough, and professional. They are objective. This can be hugely important should anything have to go to adjudication.

Inventory clerks are well-versed in all scenarios and have extensive expertise. We know what to look for.

Expert property inventory clerks are focused on providing inventory reports, interim inspections, check-ins and check-outs, so we are specialised and adept at dealing with a variety of difficult and sometimes strained situations (especially at check out) that agency staff may not be equipped to handle.

Specialists provide high-quality, complete inventory reports that are highly regarded by legal organisations in the event of a dispute.

Inventory clerks have the requisite skills, aptitude, and training for the work, which necessitates a different set of abilities than an agency or landlord.

Inventory clerks are highly trained and work hard to ensure that there are no difficulties with the quality of the property inventory reports so that the adjudicators are satisfied.

Each inventory report may cost up to 50% more if performed in-house – inventory clerks save you time and money with their skilled service.

Professional inventory services reflect highly on agents and landlords and improve their image in the eyes of the general public and business customers.

Professional, complete inventory reports impress landlords and show that the agency is offering a professional service and trying to safeguard the landlord’s property by using the best-qualified employees to prepare and furnish these reports.

External inventory clerks provide agencies and landlords a competitive advantage by freeing up their time and money.

Contact Looksy Inventories Today

To discuss costs, book a report, or to talk more about what we can do, please don’t hesitate to contact Looksy Inventories today. We are ready to help you.

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