Should Tenants Be Present For A Check-Out?

Should Tenants Be Present For A Check-Out?

Should tenants be present for a check-out?

The simplest answer is that tenants are not required to be present for a check-out.

The check-out, which usually occurs on the last day of the tenancy or a few days after the tenants have moved out, is the final inspection of a property and its contents. The inventory clerk will look to see what, if any, changes have taken place during the tenancy, list all damages for which the tenant may be responsible for costs, and note any necessary actions, such as maintenance work that must be done.

A tenant might feel anxious if they are present for a check-out. There may be tension between the parties if they feel threatened or worried that the inventory clerk will find problems and they will lose their deposit. Of course, the inventory clerk is an unbiased reporter, and they will never discuss the issues with the tenant – they will simply make a note of the condition of the property. However, when there is money at stake – the tenant’s deposit – it can still feel nerve-wracking. So it’s often best if the tenant is not present for a check-out.

What Does The Check-Out Assess?

At the check-out, you should pay particular attention to two things: damages and cleanliness. The inventory clerk will compare the current state of the property to the original inventory report while taking the length of the tenancy and type of occupancy into account. The inventory clerk is responsible for determining who is responsible for returning the item to its original check in a state that allows for reasonable wear and tear.

What Does The Inventory Clerk Do?

The original inventory report and the present circumstances are all that matter for an independent inventory service company and their employed inventory clerks, like the ones at Looksy Inventories. The clerk is not there to pass judgement on the tenants, and they are also not required to know the specifics of any damages or cleaning issues that may have occurred on the property. Simply put, they will take several photos to document the situation and note the exact new condition of any item, be it a door, wall, carpet, piece of furniture, or anything else.

As a result, the check-out inventory is factual and based only on what is and isn’t present. Even if the tenants or landlord were present and could explain the situation, the inventory clerk would still need to record everything based on facts and without being swayed by any of the parties.

For more information about whether or not a tenant should be present at a check-out, or for any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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