How To Reduce The Wear and Tear Of A Rental Property

How To Reduce The Wear and Tear Of A Rental Property

Regardless of the kind of property, wear and tear is inevitable. Every house has a shelf life, and the more people that live in it, the more fragile and worn out it becomes. However, there are methods to safeguard your rental property and minimise the impacts of normal wear and tear on the property.

For landlords, this page discusses what constitutes “normal wear and tear” and offers advice on how to keep rental properties in good condition.

What Is Classed As Normal Wear and Tear For A Property? 

Typical wear and tear on a property is caused by ageing or exposure to extreme weather conditions, such as direct sunlight. If you’ve owned a home for a lengthy amount of time, wear and tear is inevitable in most cases.

A few instances of progressive wear and tear include:

  • Stains on rugs and carpets
  • Slight dings and dents in wood or carpeting
  • Curtains that have lost their lustre
  • Chipped paint
  • Windows that are dirty or old
  • Defective latches and handles
  • Peeling or scratched wallpaper
  • Cracks in plaster

How To Prevent Wear And Tear In Your Rental Property 

It is inevitable that wear and tear will occur, but you and your tenants can endeavour to minimise its impact. Approaches include, but are not limited to:

Conduct Regular Property Inspections 

Establish a schedule for periodic inspections of the property. If you visit the property every three to five months, you’ll be able to stay on top of any maintenance concerns and rest easy knowing your renters are doing their part to keep it in good shape.

As you stroll about the home, take note of any little concerns that might turn into a bigger problem if they aren’t addressed. When scheduling these inspections, be sure to talk to your tenants about the best day and time for both of you. It’s often best to have interim inspections carried about by an unbiased third party, like the experts at Looksy Inventories. 

Monitor Plumbing In Your Investment Property 

You must keep an eye on your property’s plumbing while doing the inspections outlined in this section. Leaks, damage to neighbouring properties, and even harm to your rental property and its contents are all possible outcomes of faulty plumbing and damaged pipes. Replace any worn-out pipes, and get them checked on a regular basis.

Ensure Your Rental Property Is Regularly Cleaned 

Create a standard that is realistic and acceptable to your tenant. Make sure they know what you anticipate and remind them that frequent cleaning and maintenance helps to extend the life of your property – and minimises the issues of wear and tear.

If you have a lease agreement in place, you can even employ a cleaning service for your rental property. For example, this should guarantee that kitchens and other community facilities are maintained clean.

Create A Property Inventory  

An inventory should be kept by every landlord. This will serve as documentation of the property’s contents at the start of the tenancy and may assist you in covering the expenses of any possible damage. It will establish expectations for your renters and help you to monitor the property’s condition. Contact Looksy Inventories today to find out more. 

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