How Landlords Can Protect Their Property This Winter

How Landlords Can Protect Their Property This Winter

Winter is here, and with it, as many landlords are aware, comes the season of boiler troubles. With energy costs growing at an alarming rate (global wholesale gas prices have grown by an amazing 250 percent since January 2021), it’s time for everyone to ensure that their properties are operating as effectively as possible and that everything is in working condition before the big freeze. In this way, landlords can protect their property as much as possible.

Taking proactive actions is always preferable to dealing with issues as they arise, and everyone wants happy renters. Furthermore, private rental prices in England increased by 1.5 percent, 1.2 percent in Wales, and 1.6 percent in Scotland in the year to October 2021, so in order to maximise your rental income, your property should be as appealing as possible – and in winter, that means making sure they are warm and comfortable. Here’s a brief checklist of items to think about.

protect their property winter
Photo by from Pexels

Have The Boiler Serviced

This should be a yearly occurrence since it is an excellent means of detecting problems before they occur and preventing irate tenants who are left without heat on the coldest day of the year. When the heating system is put into hibernation throughout the summer, difficulties might arise when it is turned back on. A normal yearly servicing is usually less expensive than an emergency plumber call-out and landlords are always liable for boiler upkeep and repair. Landlords can protect their property by putting this in their schedule.

Bleed The Radiators

Regular maintenance improves performance and keeps temperatures consistent across a property, helping landlords protect their property even more. Also, ensure that extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms are operational – damp and mould issues may arise if they are not.

Have Chimneys Swept

Chimney sweeping should be another yearly occurrence if landlords want to protect their property. Carbon deposits from open flames or wood burners can accumulate fast, and chimney fires are a genuine danger. Keep in mind that chimney sweeps might be quite busy at this time of year. Check that the smoke alarms are also operational. Hard-wired smoke detectors are preferable to battery-operated ones since they are more dependable and cannot be deactivated.

Insulate Internal Pipes

Ensure that any exterior pipes, as well as pipes in the loft, are properly insulated. If the property is left unattended for any length of time during the winter, there is a genuine danger of pipes freezing, which can be easily prevented by wrapping pipes in foam sleeves, but can cause hundreds of pounds of damage if neglected.

Insulate Windows And Doors

Although double glazing should be fitted as standard if landlords want to protect their property, draughty windows and doors may be easily sealed with tape as a do-it-yourself project. If the loft isn’t insulated, it should be a first concern.

Check The Roof

Look for any loose or missing tiles and get them replaced before tenants notice any leaks. To avoid clogs, gutters must be cleaned of leaves and debris. While you’re at it, cleaning front and rear gardens and walks will make the property seem immediately more inviting to current and possible new renters.

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